WPD (WordPerfect) File

This article describes WPD (WordPerfect) file extension, including how to open and convert it. WPD file is a text file created by Corel WordPerfect, It may contain formatted text, tables, charts, graphs, sketches, drawings, and images. WordPerfect is the primary program associated with WordPerfect document files, so you can use that application to open it. Corel…

PerfectViewer is launched

WordPerfect Document Viewer and Converter: Simple, beautiful app for viewing WordPerfect .wpd, wpg files and .txt, rtf, rtfd documents. PerfectViewer features: . Allows users to Open WPD, WPG, TXT, RTF and RTFD file data in latest macOS; . Convert opened document to RTF file format; . Doesn’t need of Corel WordPerfect, Internet Connection, Text Editor…

Open Freehand Drawings

We have a new tutorial about “How to open Macromedia Freehand Drawings on macOS?” If you receive documents in .fh4, .fh5, .fh6 format and don’t know how to open them, it may be useful for you.