Batch Convert CorelDRAW files on Mac, send to friends. Download CDRViewer for Mac. It’s free!
View CorelDRAW® drawings on Mac
Open and preview any CorelDRAW® drawing in CDR file format. Navigate multi-page files, view Shapes, Texts, Bitmap Graphics.
Zoom CorelDRAW® files on your Mac
You can zoom to over 100000%. See details before exporting.
Save opened files in .pdf (vector editable)
Save opened files in .pdf, you can easily open saved .pdf files in any Vector editing Software. Send your files in PDF via e-mail or print them using the menu bar.
CorelDRAW file format
CDR file format stands for CorelDRAW and this extension is proprietary format used by CorelDRAW software. CDR format is not recognized by other image editing programs and to save to other image formats it needs to be opened in CorelDRAW and then exported in other format. This can be done only on Windows. With CDRViewer Pro there is no need to another operating system and another machine or another software to display and save CDR file formats.

CDRConverter runs on your macOS.
CDRConverter can your convert multiple CDR (CorelDRAW) files to Vector PDF file format at the same time.
Batch File Converting function.
Choose PDF or SVG file format to convert.

Do you want to Open CorelDRAW files on your iPhone?

Save Document to PDF format
Send Document as PDF file via e-mail
Print Document easily
Standalone software, CorelDraw, Adobe Acrobat and Reader NOT required!